Removal company : How to choose the best ?
4 min read
Moving companies offer a wide variety of services at different prices, there are many actors in the sector, and before deciding, you must take into account aspects that will allow you to assess the quality of the removal company, such as the technical-commercial visit and the budgets. It is pertinent to write down all the questions in advance and not to have any pending issues.
When a move is made, we transport a part of ourselves that has accompanied us during a period of our life, such as furniture and decorative objects “valuable,” either sentimentally or economically.
In both cases, if the furniture and some of our “valuable” items reach their destination broken or damaged, our disappointment or anger can be abysmal, since we paid a moving service that far from fulfilling our expectations, has made it difficult for us plus the move with incidents that we did not expect, proof of the incompetence of the removal company.
Faced with these unforeseen circumstances, it is necessary to carry out a filter job to choose the excellent removal company, and for this, a reasonable period of advance is essential, at least one month in low season or even 2 months in summer and the end of December. In these last periods, there is more demand and prices tend to be high.
To not find a lot of budgets, you can filter three removal companies, the most notable in the market, to select them, popularity and the internet are the essential tools.
Small tips to choose proper removal company
Removalists newcastle also proposes an online budgeting removal service on its website, once the technical information is received, the team contacts the client to evaluate the particularities of the moving service, the needs of the transfer and prepare a customized budget.
The previous visit whenever possible is of extreme importance to establish a budget according to the requirements, the latter is always free and made by a technician who will estimate the total volume of each corner of your home.
In the same way, difficulties such as the availability or not of an elevator, dimensions of the latter, floor number, fragile objects, heavy furniture (piano), access, parking, elevators, etc. are evaluated. Should anticipate any problems, and not forget key issues that may hinder the move.
This first visit will allow you to get an idea of the removal company (punctuality, efficiency, accuracy…) and ask all the questions you have prepared: terms, availability, moving service details, guarantees, insurance, etc.
The technical-commercial will propose the different available moving services that you can choose. The budget with all the details will be sent by email for its evaluation and analysis.
As a general rule, there are several options for moving services, for example, moving company proposes four services for local and national removals (Access, Standing, Standing +, and Optimum), which ranges from the most economical to the most expensive.
When you receive the budget, you must analyze it with a magnifying glass: detailed description of the moving services, volume to be moved, dates, distance, final price, payment methods, insurance, guarantees, and general conditions of sale.
When you compare with other companies, pay attention that they offer you the same service and not different, since a bad practice is to provide fewer services in the fine print and charge less.
When you choose the removal company with which you want to work, you must send them the signed budget, and pay a percentage for the service reservation that usually ranges between 20% and 30% depending on the removal company you choose.

The budget will establish the cost of the insurance and its coverage to avoid surprises.
Some removal companies set a compensation limit per object to expedite the procedures. If some furniture or objects exceed this value, a separate statement must be made.
We advise photographing these valuable assets to verify the anomalies before and after the move quickly. We recommend in the same way that the client will transport his valuables by himself as jewels and valuable documentation.
When the expected day of the move arrives, when all your belongings are packed, you must sign a delivery note that certifies that you give your authorization to transport your goods.
When your goods arrive at the destination, check the status of each enser with the workers in charge of the move, as well as the contracted services, and at the end of the service, you will sign the delivery note of which you will have a copy for your file.
There are moving company that at the end of the moving service give you a quality evaluation sheet to complete it. This information is very important so that the company can measure your level of satisfaction with the moving service contracted.
In case of major problems:
If there are problems, you must demand the claim form, and go to the consumer offices for the steps to follow. You have a period of 24 hours from the date of delivery to make a claim.